How to get assistance
Give us a few details about your travel plans and we’ll make the arrangements for you.
If you're booking a journey for the first time in a while and would like to talk it through, please call our Assisted travel team.
Have questions or need to book help sooner?
Give us a call:
Telephone 0800 058 2844
Textphone 0800 138 1018
Our assisted travel helpline is open 24 hours a day, except on Christmas Day.
Our Accessible Travel Policy documents are available here in alternative formats including audio and large print versions.
Printed copies of our Making Rail Accessible document will shortly be available from all staffed stations across our network.
Assisted travel booking form
So we can arrange and carry out assistance on your behalf, your personal and journey data will be gathered and held within the assisted travel booking system for two years, and made available to all Train Operating Companies and Network Rail for all your bookings. If you do not wish for your data to be shared please contact us.
You can contact us at any time of the day for Assisted travel guidance or to request an assisted travel booking.
To make sure we have staff available to help you, we recommend you book at least two hours in advance of travelling.
If your journey involves another train company, we may need to confirm part of your journey with them. If this is the case, we will discuss options with you.